LIVE At the B.E. Henry Building

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Hey everyone! It's rollin on! Another rockin summer and I finally updated the site! Stop the press! New Show added at the civic cetnter on Wed, June 26th check the shows page for more info! Thanks for being here!
Welcome to the B.E. Henry Building!
The B.E. Henry building is a hall where I book shows in Marshall, Mi. The B.E. has a long history of shows of all types, particularly punk. Hundreds of bands have played the B.E. over the years, including as well known acts as Good Riddance, 88 Fingers Louie, Swingin Utters, Quincy Punks, The Bollwevills, Small Brown BIke, At the Drive-In, and Alkaline Trio. If there's a local band you've ever seen , they've probably been there. Shows are always all ages and usually feature a vairied lineup of local and touring bands of all types from all over the>
Mapquest Map to B.E. Henry

So what's the deal with this place?
The deal is this: I book anyone with a good attitude and a desire to play. There's no big P.C. trips or "only this music" or "only that music" attitudes. We're all here for one reason : to share music with each other and have a good time. I don't care if your band sucks or you are God's gift to music, if you play punk , emo, metal, rap, country, new wave, noise, hardcore, thrash, or Martian bagpipe music, we are all equals at the B.E. .

So how about gas money...
I spend about renting the building and setting up the show, and that is all I try to get from the door.(note : I say try)The rest is split between bands based on drive time. So here's an example : If your from Grand rapids and your playing with a band from Marquette and a band from Muskegon and a band from Flint, your band gets the least followed by Flint then Muskegon then the band from Marquette gets almost everthing cause they drove like triple what everyone else did. Got it?

Chicago's Much the same How Do you determine playing order?
What I do is simply play it by ear. Like with a touring band or a band from way out of town I just wait untill the evening looks prime and then have them play then. The short drive guys usually open and the local guys with the big crowd play last so the kids stick around. BR>

So have a look around, And see a little into what we've got going here in Marshall, and mayby you'll come out and see what's up for yourself. Drop me a line or just show up, you're always welcome. See you soon!

Rocker #23362